Signed Terms & Conditions will be on file at Ron's Taxidermy. 

Terms & Conditions of Ron’s Taxidermy

Dear Customer, 

Please read the following carefully.  If you have any questions, please call or email us and we will be happy to help you.  Thank you.  We appreciate your business.


·         Cash, Check or Money Order Only

·         1/3 non-refundable down payment upon receipt of order/trophy drop off*

·         Final payment due within 30 days of completion of trophy**

*Please note: If payment is not received at this time, no work will start until payment is received and a storage fee may be applicable.

All prices reflect the finest taxidermy work we can possibly provide you.  However, there are additional charges that may apply to your order should you choose to upgrade your mounts to include custom bases, alterations, pedestal mounts, leather backings, custom habitats, etc.  There will be additional fees for extra cuts that require sewing or repair to horns. Please know that all these fees will be discussed and agreed upon prior to mounting.

 **Unless payment arrangements have been made, it is agreed that any mounts not paid in full within ninety days will become, without notice, the sole property of Ron’s Taxidermy, and as such may be used or disposed of in any manner at Ron’s Taxidermy’s sole discretion. 

Liability Waiver

Ron’s Taxidermy  shall not be held responsible for damage to or loss of any mount for any reason, past, present or future, including but in no way limited to losses resulting from insect destruction, fire, theft, or vandalism. 

If during the stage of the taxidermy process any conditions are discovered which preclude the proper completion of the mount without incurrence of labor and/or materials over the above amounts included in the original price quote, Ron’s Taxidermy expressly retains the right to either 1) make pricing adjustments or 2) refuse to complete the mount.  The above conditions include but are in no way limited to: cuts or other abrasions of the skin/hide incurred prior to acceptance of the trophy for mounting; skin conditions which cause the hide to be untannable; improper field processing procedures; or any other conditions not directly controllable by Ron’s Taxidermy.  In the event such conditions are discovered, Ron’s Taxidermy will contact the client and discuss any applicable options.

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